Caught in the Traps

Stiller Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Friday, March 14, 2008
So there's these two guys, and they need to make a porno version of Meet the Fockers. I don't know why, but they want to capitalize on its growing popularity. So they film it, and it basically looks like Meet the Fockers - only pornier. So now all they have to do is think of a porn title. Now porn titles ripping off movies should sound like the movie, only a little bit different. So they think and think, and one guy says "I've got it - it's similar, but more graphic", and he tells the other guy, and the other guy says "That's brilliant, it's almost the same but different".

So the movie comes out and is a big hit, and everyone thanks the guy who came up with "Meat the Fockers". The end.

Writing is hard. I actually posted first on my fake lj before doing this one. I'm dry.

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