Caught in the Traps

Blah Blah Blog

Thursday, August 16, 2007
I want to go back to school, (or should I say 'I went too go back, to school', nah, that's lame.) However, I am having a hard time deciding where to go, and for what. Today, I scratched Centennial College off the list. There is no particular reason why, as Centennial was very helpful and they had a well-maintained website, but I just wasn't getting a good vibe from the whole experience. They might be a wonderful school, and I am missing out, but I am willing to take that risk and explore other things. Really, Centennial, it's not you, it's me.

Also, I am trying to find another job to do in the interim. So basically it's like this - I am right back to square one, (and I don't mean the mall or the children's TV show, look 'em up if you have to). I don't mind being at square one, I just wish that some time soon I can be at square two. Or perhaps even square one point five. I guess that I could say [-] 1.5, but I don't want to. Besides, that looks more like a Rubik's Cube than a square, and really, who digs the decimals? Not me.

Where was I? Oh yeah, Conor sent me a YouTube clip of Alec Baldwin parodying Glengarry Glen Ross on Saturday Night Live. I dug it, and it led me to this one. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z4vpT4UrY1M I normally think that the digital shorts are way overrated, and the ending kind of doesn't support the skit, but it makes me laugh so hard for some reason. Watch it and tell me why. And also, tell me what I should do. Or better yet, suggest lightly what I should do. Would you say that you are the highly suggestible type? Yes, I would say that. It's like poker, and I am looking for tells. William Tells. Telluride. Penn and Tell(er)s. Go Tells it on the Mountain. Tel(l)us.

Return of the Traps

Thursday, August 09, 2007
I'm ready to start on a new tangent, but I am not sure that I am ready to make this a baseball blog. So I'm going back to my bread and butter - me. I'll blog about myself, and that's all.

Today's entry - I'm not into fighting with people, even though I was always sure that I was.

Tomorrow's entry - I'm going to taste the Danforth.

Saturday's entry - baseball game?

Sunday's entry - More tasting of the Danforth, even if my students don't come with me.

Monday's entry - We'll see.

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